John O’Groats and the Mermaid

illustration of a mermaid holding 4 magical shells with fish and seaweed

New Illustrated Story Book from Mandy Elizabeth Rush, inspired by her visit to John O’Groats and local stories and folklore.

John O’Groats, or Jan De Groot is a humble ferry man. One day he rescues the mermaid caught in the Swelkie the Sea Witch’s whirlpool and from that day forward, Jan’s life will never be the same. For his brave deed he receives some local shells, little beautiful pink shells, called groaties. Little does Jan know but these are no ordinary shells but have magic woven into their beauty.

Follow the adventure of Jan De Groot as his kind, heroic deeds around the seas of Caithness, result in him living the live he always dreamed off. Not one filled with wealth and possessions, but one filled with love and laughter.

A story book which is full of love, kindness and adventure as Jan bravely puts others before himself without thought of reward. The perfect bedtime story.

Back Cover of John O'Groats and the Mermaid